Is It Illegal to Sell My Prescription Drugs?

Prescription drugs are a menace to society since they are so readily available and openly distributed to individuals. In the past, many doctors shied away from prescribing opioids to their patients, but that changed in the late 80s and early 90s. By the time society realized that it was dangerous and addictive, the US was … Read more

How to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drugs have become an even more dangerous problem over the last two decades. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared a public health emergency in 2017 because of the rampant abuse of prescription drugs in America. As a responsible prescription painkiller user, you should take a look inside your cabinet and … Read more

How to Tell Your Boss You’re Struggling With Mental Health

Mental health has become a significant concern for many businesses since it dramatically impacts their employees. Deloitte mentions that 68% of workers rate their mental health over their career. Mental health is a core part of a person’s sense of self and motivation. Over the years, companies have adjusted how they see employee mental health, … Read more

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your Body

The short and scientific answer: It depends. Unlike food, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Most of the alcohol is broken down by chemicals called enzymes. The rest of it leaves the body through urine, sweat, saliva and even breath. The effects of drinking can vary greatly from one person to another, partly … Read more

Why is Trauma Informed Care So Important?

 The statistics on abuse and violence in the US are alarming. Reportedly, 25% of all children experience some type of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. 25% of the women in the US have experienced domestic violence, and 20% have experienced rape at some point in their lives. Additionally, a small percentage of men have experienced … Read more

Effects of Physical Disability on Mental Health

Effects of Physical Disability on Mental Health One in four adults in the United States reportedly has a disability. Many people may be faced with a disability during their lifetime. A disability limits how a person functions and accomplishes everyday tasks. Physical limitations vary between individuals and may include difficulty walking, impaired seeing or hearing, … Read more

BIPOC Addiction Resources

What You Need to Know About Addiction in the BIPOC Community Ease of access to personalized health care is essential for those of every background. But some disparities make it even more difficult for members of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community, especially when it comes to substance abuse treatment. BIPOC individuals … Read more

3 Ways Grief Can Fuel Addictive Behavior

Grief can often be overwhelming. It may last a few days, weeks, months, and for some years. It is a natural response to the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or another meaningful situation in one’s life. Grief is emotional, and so it can cause other emotional responses such as anxiety, depression, frustration, or … Read more

How Does Addiction Affect the Family?

How Does Addiction Affect the Family? Substance use disorder does not just impact the individual consuming drugs or alcohol; the entire family dynamic suffers. Too often, families will ignore and try to cover up issues with substance use disorder in the family unit. However, recovery efforts are much more successful when the family is also … Read more

ADHD and Depression

What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, is a chronic condition that means the brain cannot focus on tasks. The condition can affect one’s ability to pay attention and make decisions. People with ADHD find it difficult to control their behavior and be impulsive. ADHD is often diagnosed in children, and many continue to … Read more