What are 12 Step Meetings?

Understanding 12-Step Meetings and How They Work for Our Clients Sometimes, looking at the larger picture can become intimidating when it comes to the recovery process of addiction to drugs and alcohol. The 12-step meetings break down the process, making it easier for clients to recover one step at a time. Their process can involve … Read more

How long does a 12 step program take?

How Long Should You Expect a 12-Step Program to Last? The answer is the rest of your life. Each step could take a short time or a long time, but according to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the 12th step is, “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this … Read more

What Is the 12th Step in AA?

Understanding the 12th Step in Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a group that helps those struggling with alcoholism. Better known as AA, it serves as a type of outpatient treatment program. Members attend meetings where they talk about their struggles and concerns as well as their accomplishments. When you join, you agree to follow the … Read more

Can Adderall Cause Depression

How Does Adderall Affect Depression? Over the past decade, doctors have diagnosed about six million children, ages 3 through 17, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD makes it difficult for kids to concentrate, focus and complete tasks, which takes a toll on their behavior at home and in school. What’s more, two out of three … Read more

Can Meth Cause Tardive

Can Methamphetamine Cause Tardive Symptoms? Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug that affects your central nervous system. As a result, there are often debilitating symptoms once individuals develop a methamphetamine addiction. These ailments include tardive dystonia and dyskinesia, which cause involuntary movements in the face and limbs. This article looks at methamphetamine, the symptoms of … Read more

Can Meth Kill You?

Can Meth Be Deadly? Yes, methamphetamine can kill you. In 2021, over 32,000 people fatally overdosed on synthetic psychostimulants such as methamphetamine. Most people understand that meth and other similar drugs are dangerous, but they may not understand the potentially deadly ramifications. This article will discuss methamphetamine and its dangers. What Is Methamphetamine? Methamphetamine, more … Read more

What is Crystal Meth Anonymous

How Can Attending Crystal Meth Anonymous Meetings Support Recovery? Substance use disorders in the United States have been on the rise. Evidence suggests that there was a surge in addiction and overdose rates associated with the recent pandemic as millions of people turned to drugs or alcohol to deal with their stress and pain.  Methamphetamine … Read more

Can Alcoholism Cause Anemia

Understanding the Relationship Between Alcoholism and Anemia When people think about alcohol-related health problems, they usually picture liver damage. However, it’s important to remember that alcohol can also harm many other parts of the body. Some people may even find that it affects their body’s ability to make healthy blood. If you are dealing with … Read more

Can Adderall cause Anxiety?

Can Adderall Cause or Worsen Anxiety? More and more people are turning to prescription stimulants. In just one year alone, between 2020 and 2021, prescriptions for stimulants increased by 10% for females (15–44 years old) and males (25–44 years old). Even though stimulants offer significant advantages for those with ADHD, they also carry the risk … Read more

Can Alcohol Abuse Cause Nerve Damage

Alcoholism and Irreversible Nerve Damage Alcohol abuse is far more common than people realize, and its effects can be detrimental to both the body and the mind. Because it’s a socially accepted practice to drink – and sometimes to drink a lot – alcohol abuse can often be dismissed as normal. What Is Alcohol Use … Read more