Dangers of Fentanyl in Marijuana

Drug overdoses continue their rapid rise in the US as the opioid crisis continues. The New York Post reported that for the first time that there had been over 100,000 overdose deaths in 12 months in the year 2021. Many people know that these tragic occurrences started from natural opiate prescription painkillers and heroin abuse. … Read more

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Urine?

Alcohol is a depressurizing agent with limited potency. A urine test can detect alcohol, ethanol, and certain byproducts from consuming it. Urine tests are one of the cheapest (yet effective) ways to confirm if there was any drinking involved in the event that would require drug screening for said substance.  The general rule? You drink, … Read more

Meth and Your Body: What You Need to Know

Methamphetamine, commonly known as meth and crank, is an addictive and potentially dangerous drug that users take in several ways. Most often, meth addicts smoke meth in the form of crystal rocks that they place onto metal objects such as lighters or cutlery to inhale the fumes. The key question is, what exactly happens to … Read more

10 Ways to Tell if Someone is Shooting Up

Shooting up drugs can be very dangerous, especially if you don’t know how to spot the signs of intravenous drug use. Although not all drug use is obvious, spotting the telltale signs that someone is using heroin, meth, or other drugs intravenously can help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe from abuse, addiction, … Read more

What Happens During Drug & Alcohol Detox?

The human body is an incredible machine, but that doesn’t mean it can’t get bogged down and overloaded with toxicity over time. The average person might carry more than 30 pounds of toxins in their body now, but you don’t have to put up with this sludge any longer. Detoxing is an important part of … Read more

How Trauma Affects the Brain

Trauma is any experience that overwhelms the senses and creates psychological distress and fear. According to the National Center for PTSD, nearly every person will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, and many people go on to develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Various factors can increase the likelihood of trauma; men and … Read more

What Is a Dual Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis (also known as co-occurring disorders) refers to the phenomenon of an individual having more than one mental health disorder. The National Institute on Drug Abuse indicates that approximately 50% of people with substance abuse disorders also have some other form of mental illness, and vice versa. In most cases, people with dual … Read more

How to Stop Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are the things that go through your mind when you don’t want them to be there. And they’re typically thought patterns we’d prefer not to repeat in our minds, especially when it comes to certain mental disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Many people experience intrusive thoughts from time to time, but the … Read more

How Long Will Suboxone Block Opiates?

Opiates and opioids are two drugs that appear in many painkillers on the market today. Unfortunately, overuse of these chemicals has often led to people becoming addicted to them. Suboxone treatment happens in many recovery centers as a way to deal with opiate addiction. This treatment seeks to reduce the severe side effects that opiate … Read more