The Role of Family in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a chronically progressive and all-inclusive disease – one that affects not only the addict but the entire family as well. Substance abuse cultivates family dysfunction, demolishes trust, and weakens communication. If your loved one is enslaved to his/her addiction, you may feel helpless or even angry at your family member. This is completely … Read more

How to Stage an Intervention

Most alcoholics and addicts are in denial and initially unwilling to get help. This is why it’s so important for family members and loved ones to be involved and work alongside an interventionist. Sadly, most alcoholics and addicts are convinced that they are able to moderate their substance use. Many addicts suffer from the illusion … Read more

Family Program for Addiction Treatment

Incorporating Family in Recovery When you have a loved one struggling with an addiction, it’s incredibly difficult. You wonder if you’re doing the right thing, what you could have done differently, if you should have seen signs of a problem sooner, etc. The ‘what-if’s’ and worries are never-ending, and all they do is tear at … Read more