The Opioid Epidemic

Few public health crises have gotten more attention or ensnared so many Americans as much as the opioid epidemic. Beginning in the late 1990s and continuing to today, this epidemic has killed thousands and addicted millions. While this epidemic has unquestionably impacted countless lives, trends have moved in more positive directions of late. Furthermore, a … Read more

Fentanyl vs Heroin

Fentanyl and heroin are two very similar and highly addictive drugs. Though these two drugs are frequently confused, there are some distinct differences between them. Understanding the differences between heroin and fentanyl can help you stay safe and get appropriate treatment for an opioid use disorder. A Quick Overview of the Differences Between Fentanyl and … Read more

Drug Slang Glossary

When a person is acquiring or using drugs, they will often use slang terms to discuss the substance. Using slang terms or street names can allow a user to discuss the drug out in the open without mentioning its actual name. The street names are developed based on the appearance of the drugs, their effects, … Read more

The Myth of the Functioning Addict

Drug and alcohol addiction are serious disorders that affect almost 21 million Americans. Each year, tens of thousands of people die as a result of their addiction, either by overdose, suicide, driving under the influence, or other health complications. Unfortunately, a large majority of individuals who suffer from addiction never get professional treatment.  Addiction Affects … Read more

How Science is Changing Addiction Treatment

Until the 1960s, people who had a drug or alcohol addiction were viewed as criminals. It wasn’t until 1971 that the first federally-funded addiction treatment program was offered to struggling addicts. Since those days, addiction treatment has come a long way. Not only is treatment more accessible, but the treatment modalities are much more advanced. … Read more

College Students and Addiction

When students head to their first year of college, the world is their oyster. They’re spending extended time away from home, often for the first time. Free from the oversight of their parents or guardians, they may choose to stretch their wings and engage in new experiences. This is healthy and even encouraged, to a … Read more

LGBTQ+ Community and Substance Abuse

LGBTQ+ is an acronym that stands for individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/ questioning their sexuality—the plus symbol signifies that there are many other labels within the LGBTQ+ community but may not appear in the acronym, such as asexual, pansexual, gender non-binary, or genderfluid. Drug and alcohol abuse continues to pose … Read more

First Responders and Substance Use Disorders

First responders, classified as police, firefighters, paramedics, and EMT’s, offer immediate assistance in emergencies and disaster situations. Their efforts to provide medical care, support, and service in the midst of stressful and unsafe events is a vital service to society, however, the near-constant experiences with life-threatening situations, emotional stress, and hard physical labor and tough … Read more

Legal Professionals & Lawyer Addiction Treatment Program

You’re a lawyer who graduated from law school. A year later, you set up your practice and begin amassing clients. The job becomes more stressful over time. You must wine and dine clients regularly. Moreover, you’re juggling a variety of legal cases at once. Also, dealing with the concerns and problems of your clients is a stressful … Read more

How to Turn Your Recovery Into an Adventure

If you struggle with addiction, then you know how isolating and scary it can be. Addiction impacts every area of your life, and when you come to rely on drugs or alcohol, it can feel like you’re losing control of the things that matter most. The good news is that addiction is treatable. A large … Read more