Fawn Trauma Therapy Program

Understanding the Fawn Response The term “fawn” comes from the natural response of a deer faced with danger. It freezes, lowers its head, and attempts to escape danger by running away. If none of these options are available, the deer will submit to and appease the predator so that the predator won’t attack it. The … Read more

Benefits of Experiential Therapy

Innovative Experiential Therapy Offers Many Benefits Experiential therapy is a hands-on treatment approach that uses expressive activities and physical movement to promote healing and change. All licensed therapists help their clients identify and overcome problems, but those who use experiential therapy will use interactive, immersive and unconventional therapeutic techniques. Experiential therapy is growing in popularity … Read more

Addiction Treatment for Professional Athletes

Drug Addiction Among Athletes Although many athletes experience various benefits when they participate in sports, some of them end up abusing different drugs. They do this in an attempt to improve their athletic performance and manage sport-related pain. Others abuse drugs to cope with the stress and pressure associated with sports. The continuous use of … Read more

Emotional Wellbeing of Seniors during Pandemic

Ensuring the Emotional Well-Being of Seniors During a Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has hit a lot of seniors hard. It’s affected their mental and emotional well-being in many ways. These include: • Feelings such as fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, and/or frustration • Isolation and decreased social interaction • Loss or increase in appetite • … Read more

What Is Emotional Wellness?

How Emotional Wellness Impacts Your Life The National Center for Emotional Wellness defines the term as “an awareness, understanding, and acceptance of your emotions and your ability to manage effectively through challenges and change.” Emotional wellness impacts virtually every aspect of your life. If you practice developing and improving your emotional wellness, you can improve … Read more

How to Tell if Your Employees are Using Drugs

Can You Tell If Your Employees Are Using Drugs? As an employer, it is important to be able to identify drug use in the workplace. Stopping drug use among your employees can reduce the risk of accidents and help your team members get much-needed care. However, since you don’t see your employees every hour of … Read more

How to Talk to a Newly Sober Person

What Should You Say to a Newly Sober Person? When a friend or family member seeks treatment for substance use issues, you can be excited about their fresh start. However, new sobriety can make interactions a little tricky. Even though you are happy that your loved one is finally taking care of their health, you … Read more

Mental Health in the Workplace

The Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace In recent years, we’ve seen a dramatic shift in the way employees are conducting their work. Many businesses have shifted to a more at-home work approach. Employees have had to weigh their options regarding getting vaccinated and returning to work in person. This has all contributed to … Read more

Top Causes of Depression

Causes of Depression Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people every year. While the root causes of depression are still being studied, researchers have identified several potential factors that may contribute to its development. Here, we explore some of the most common ones. If you think you may be suffering from … Read more

Social Drinking vs Binge Drinking

What Is the Difference Between Social and Binge Drinking? Have you ever noticed that just about every movie or television show you watch shows someone drinking alcohol at some point? Social drinking is so ingrained in society that you might wonder if it’s normal for someone to drink at every party or evening dinner. In … Read more